KRA iTax Compliant

The WinguApps Payroll software solution also integrates to KRA's iTax system by producing the required iTax P10 file in the import csv format.

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NHIF Compliant

The WinguApps Payroll solution also integrates to NHIF by generating employers monthly payroll byproducts to NHIF via the online Byproduct system.

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NSSF Compliant

The WinguApps Payroll solution will also generate the monthly NSSF Payroll Template in the required format by the SF24 Management system.

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NSSF Contribution Rates

The Kenyan government's National Social Security Fund is in charge of gathering, storing, responsibly investing, and distributing retirement funds for workers in both the official and informal sectors of the country's economy. Participation is required from both companies and employees.

The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) ACT No. 45 of 2013 was assented on 24 December 2013 with the effective date of commencement being 10 January 2014. Consequently, employers are advised to make arrangements to submit their contributions in accordance to the new NSSF Act as outlined below.

NSSF Rates

National Social Security Fund (NSSF)

Below are the New and Old NSSF Contribution Rates:

Contribution Rate
KSh 1,080
Contribution Rate
Contribution Rate
KSh 200
Contribution Rate
​Employee Earnings Pensionable Earnings Tier I Pensionable Earnings Tier I Employee Deduction ​Tier I Employer Contribution Tier I Total Contribution Tier II Pensionable Earnings Tier II Employee Deduction ​Tier II Employer Contribution Tier II Total Contribution Total Pension Contribution
3,000 3,000 3,000 180 180 360 360
4,500 4,500 4,500 270 270 540 540
6,000 6,000 6,000 360 360 720 720
10,000 10,000 6,000 360 360 720 4,000 240 240 480 1,200
14,000 14,000 6,000 360 360 720 8,000 480 480 960 1,680
18,000 18,000 6,000 360 360 720 12,000 720 720 1,440 2,160
20,000 18,000 6,000 360 360 720 12,000 720 720 1,440 2,160
100,000 18,000 6,000 360 360 720 12,000 720 720 1,440 2,160
500,000 18,000 6,000 360 360 720 12,000 720 720 1,440 2,160

Computation Guidelines

For the purposes of the Act, the Upper Earning Limit (UEL) will be KES. 18,000 while the Lower Earnings Limit (LEL) will be KES 6,000. The pension contribution will be 12% of the pensionable wages made up of two equal portions of 6% from the employee and 6% from the employer subject to an upper limit of KES 2,160 for employees earning above KES 18,000.

The employee contribution shall be drawn directly from his salary and wages while the employers contribution shall come directly from the employer.

The contributions relating to the earnings below the LEL of the earnings (a maximum of KES. 720) will be credited to what will be known as a Tier I account while the balance of the contribution for earnings between the LEL and the UEL (up to a maximum of KES 1,440) will be credited to what will be known as a Tier II account.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Typical questions Payroll professionals ask when filing returns at the end of the month...

When is the deadline for filing PAYE on the KRA iTax Portal?

The deadline for filing PAYE income tax is on the 9th Day of the following month. For example remitting the returns for income earned in the month of January will be due by the 9th of February.

When is the deadline for filing NHIF?

The deadline for filing NHIF contributions is also on the 9th Day of the following month. For example the contributions for the month of January will be due by the 9th of February.

When is the deadline for filing NSSF?

The deadline for filing NSSF contributions is on the 15th Day of the following month. For example the contributions for the month of January will be due by the 15th of February.

Why am I unable to file PAYE returns for this month on the KRA iTax?

The KRA iTax Portal will allow you to file returns of your current month as from the first day of the next month. For example, the option to upload the PAYE returns for January will be available from the first day of February and will be due by the 9th day of February. This means that as from the first day of the month you will have 9 days to file your returns for the previous month.

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Lydia Mbitha
Kilifi Plantations
The payroll very effective, reliable and easy to manage employees details and disbursement. Less Laborious.
Michael Muhoro.
Lepic Excecutive Salon
The Payroll has helped us synchronize our sales commissions effectively and accurately from the Point of Sale Module.
Phenny Kiwinga
Alibarbours Cave Restaurant
If I'd be asked to describe this software in just three words....Reliable, Efficient and 24/7 support service.

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